Saturday, February 2, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microagressions

Blog:Week 4 Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions As a personal experience, I had a landlord in which I rented out the front of her house with my boyfriend, my two daughters, my brother, and my father-in-law. Our landlord was Vietnamese. She lived upstairs and rented out rooms upstairs with her to her fellow Asian friends and family. After four months, she would not work with us on helping us to make a gated section for our four dogs, and asked $950 a month without a storage space, no parking spots, and broken tile. She would continuosly come downstairs to ask us for more money for utilities then she told us we should move out because she didn’t like the way my family lives their life. She told me that she could rent out her rooms separately to Asians and they are cheap and don’t use too much utilities. This experience is one of racial microagressions and of microassault. The above scenario although true, made me the target of discrimination and stereotyping with my family. My feelings were of devastation and anger because it made me look like my character was not only judged, but insulted. How can someone assume someone else’s life instead of just getting to know them better? At first, I did not look at this scenario as a microassault until I took this course. Now I am aware that the example proved to me that there are microassualts in our everyday lives. With knowledge about microaggressions, it helps to make one aware of the detrimental effects it places on someone’s self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christy,

    As we learned in this weeks readings those false racial characterizations are passed down for generations. Even those that characterize our own ethnic groups. This landlord believed Asians would use less utilities. He missed an opportunity to learn the truth of who you and your family were.
